This application has tree mend us potential, it just wont let me edit, nor will it allow me to rename or many "photoshop elements" like free functions, so I cant do that, App Store aside not taking audio files, a simple speech test for Quality of Service (QoS in the audio realm, or Signal), thus Im giving it 3 out of 5 for a fee app, as even the Pro version has a mean review weight of 1 out of 5, so why upgrade, and why start with this level of free-mess? Its not easy to write an audio app (some will say, oh, yeah, its a knock-off!), but getting all the bells and whistles correct and the basic function of not messing up the sound (I.e. No dropouts), there may be better free choices, with an excellent Pro version. Kudos for getting halfway there, lets see a knock out of the park (baseball phrase) for a free starter and a stellar Pro to look forward to!